I am a girl with burning eyes and big dreams. Hardwork is my engine, and the desire for the best world is my compass. I do not sit still, because I dream of traveling, opening new horizons and absorbing the culture of other countries. In the world of books, psychology and science fiction are fascinating me - one helps to understand people, the other takes to incredible worlds. And in my free time, I like to get comfortable and watch a good series, enjoying the story that makes you worry and feel. I am soft and kind, always ready to help the one who needs support. I believe that small good deeds do this world brighter, and I try to bring my spark of warmth into it.
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I love cute kittens - their fluffy paws, funny jumps and purring can melt any heart. I can watch a video with kittens for hours or play with the real ones, because they give warmth and joy. I love sunsets and the sea. When the sun slowly sinks over the horizon, staining the sky into delicate shades of pink, orange and purple, I feel how it becomes calm and warm inside.
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It hurts me to see when they are offended by the weak, they are deceiving or acted dishonestly. I always try to help and support those who need it.