Hey! You trust on �love on the first sight? � haha, here I am! My name is Khloe. I�m sensitive and I empathize with people a lot, I like to be spontaneous, to involve, and try my best in everything i do. I have peace in my heart and always wish for God to give me the sweetest person in the whole universe. I�m like an unopened book. Discover me as you like!
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Mostly I like to travel. I love this! I like romantic dinners under the moonlight on a yacht that shatters with love. I like games but not any games, haha I think you know what I mean. I like to feel like a lady with my lord, to be kissed, hugged and most importantly, loved! I like movies, cooking and shopping. I still have a lot of things I like. That's why I let you discover them. You
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I do not like people who do not know how to respect a woman. socializing and knowing make things happen much more beautifully. I don't want to feel uncomfortable with a gentleman.