Hi! I guess it�s a bit difficult for me to talk about myself. I�m not really used to sharing personal things, and I always feel awkward when it comes to discussing my feelings or thoughts. It�s probably because I don�t want to seem too open or draw too much attention to myself. I tend to stay in the background, where I feel more comfortable. It�s much easier for me to listen to others than to talk about myself. I love observing how people behave, what emotions they show, rather than openly sharing my own thoughts. Sometimes I feel like it�s a bit strange to talk about the things I like or what matters to me because these things often seem trivial or unnecessary. But if I were to say something about myself, I�d probably mention that I appreciate moments of silence when I can just be alone without extra words. And I value honesty a lot�not necessarily in words, but in actions. I also enjoy moments when I can just be myself without trying to meet anyone�s expectations.
Turn On:
I love meeting new people, lets meet the day together and have a great time!
Turn Off:
Demands, rudeness, stupidity, not knowing what they want, discussion of politics, religion, the situation in the world, people who dont play DOTA (lol)